You are the management committee of a block of flats in the center of Strasbourg. There are 5 apartments available for rent and you have received 10 applications. You need to meet and decide which 5 of the applications below you will accept as the new tenants in your block of flats. You have 20 minutes to reach a consensus. Then you will present your answer in plenary, explaining which applicants you selected and why and which applicants you rejected and why.
Beauty bias – Judging people based on how they look
Affinity bias – Choosing people the same as ourselves
Horns Effect – Negative assumptions cloud our judgment
Confirmation bias – Searching for evidence to back up first impressions
Attribution bias – How we perceive the actions of others
Conformity bias – changing opinions to conform with the group
Halo Effect – Perceived as having more positive traits than others
Halo Effect
Pyramid of Hate:
2018, Anti-Defamation League