Welcome to the website In-Voice4MPowerment!
This innovative Erasmus+ KA2 project aims to inspire and empower professionals working in school education, especially music teachers/ choral leaders, but also community workers and other professionals working in the field of social inclusion of disadvantaged youth.
Welcome to the website In-Voice4MPowerment!
This innovative Erasmus+ KA2 project aims to inspire and empower professionals working in school education, especially music teachers/ choral leaders, but also community workers and other professionals working in the field of social inclusion of disadvantaged youth.
Welcome to the website In-Voice4MPowerment!
This innovative Erasmus+ KA2 project aims to inspire and empower professionals working in school education, especially music teachers/ choral leaders, but also community workers and other professionals working in the field of social inclusion of disadvantaged youth.
This innovative Erasmus+ KA2 project aims to inspire and empower professionals working in school education, especially music teachers/ choral leaders, but also community workers and other professionals working in the field of social inclusion of disadvantaged youth.
PR1 – Inclusive Vocal Choral Pedagogy (IVCHP) Framework
A report highlighting inclusive vocal choral pedagogies that point to an innovative multidisciplinary arts-based approach and related policy guidelines

PR2 – Teacher/Choral Leader Training Module for IVCHP
On-line course emerging from the IVCHP Framework based on developing innovative aspects of vocal/ choral and theatrical expression, including improvisation, movement and the creative use of digital technologies aiming at enhancing communication
PR3 – Teacher/Choral Leader Performance and Effectiveness Assessment Tool
Online self-evaluation tool linked with the Teacher/Choral Leader Module for IVCHP aiming at monitoring progress and effectiveness of its implementation

PR4- E-Book – IVCHP Resources
Collection of resources and good practices linked with appropriate pedagogical recommendations

Collaborative Learning Digital Platform (CLDP)
On-line platform for sharing resources and good practices fostering communication through collaborative artistic creation with the use of digital technologies

IN-VOICE 4 Empowerment:
Fostering social inclusion in youth through the development of innovative choral pedagogies and digital technologies and practices is an Erasmus+ KA2 project that runs from February 2022 to January 2024.

O'Connor Thyra

Jashoa Albert

Taylor Trelawney
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right.
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right.
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia
Multiplier Event Portugal, January 2024
APEM - Associação Portuguesa de Educação Musical (Portuguese Association for Music Education), a partner in the Erasmus+ project In-Voice4MPowerment, organized ...
Multiplier Event Ireland, January 2024
Dublin City University, Ireland partner of the Erasmus+ European Programme In-Voice4MPowerment, organised a one-day Multiplier Event on 20 January 2024 in Dubli ...